Sunday, September 10, 2023

Vladimir Putin, Peter Michael Bond, The 9/11 Attacks financiers and the Ukraine War.

This is more that just about money laundering and how it affected geopolitical events that led to the worst attack on American soil. 


It is the continuation of operations that result in the murders of tens of thousands of innocent civilians.



By: Daniel M. Deilgat.


Thursday, August 31, 2023



One key individual stood in the middle of it all claiming he had no idea. His name, Peter Michael Bond and he worked for Vladimir Putin.


Let’s start at the end. The American Justice Department made a deal with Peter Michael Bond. In return for information, Bond was granted immunity from prosecution in the United States.

In a conversation with Tim O’Brien- :// a New York Times journalist, I was told that Bond was extraordinarily granted immunity in the Yukos Oil/Bank Menatep, fraud case in return for his testimony.


I told O’Brien that we suspected that Bond had a role in the financing of the 9/11 attacks. O’Brien wanted to meet in Toronto, but I declined.


Subsequently, a Senate Committee Chaired by Carl Levin-, would find Riggs Bank, the parent company of Riggs-Valmet, a company controlled by Bond and partly owned by Putin,The Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has concluded that Riggs executives and bank regulators, even after the events of Sept. 11, 2001, failed to monitor suspicious financial transactions involving hundreds of millions of dollars.


A Subcommittee Chaired by Senator Norm Coleman already took into consideration my investigative product in the Allied case that involved Isle of Man entities controlled by Bond.

In part and in between Norm Coleman’s work, the 9/11 Commission and a book entitled Farenheit 9/11, it was found that funds made available by Riggs Bank through the Peter Bond entities, went through accounts belonging to the wife of the Saudi Ambassador to Washington, to charitable Muslim organizations and directly to the individuals that flew the planes into the world trade center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field.


My allegations were provided to the Committee through an FBI agent posted at the American Embassy in Ottawa. A Yahoo email was provided to me, and I sent the relevant documents.


Equally disturbing is that principals in my clients’ company included the former Director of the transition team of the Bush/Quayle administration, as well as the director of communications for the same Presidential administration.


Lee Gilson Lovett, the true beneficial interest in my clients’ company was also a director/trustee of an Italian University called The John Cabot University, an alleged covert institution with direct ties to the CIA.

Lovett had direct involvement in Isle of Man entities with Peter Michael Bond, at best making Bond an unwitting conspirator in schemes to finance attacks against the United States of America.


When I addressed the issue with George Tenet, The then Director of the CIA, he resigned.


The same is true of my communication with Dr. Henry Kissinger as he was appointed Co-Chair of the 9/11 Commission, Dr. Kissinger acknowledged a conflict of interests between his private consulting firm clients and the investigation of the 9/11 Commission, he recused himself immediately.


This was the reach of Peter Michael Bond’s contacts in the intelligence community.


Bond was also appointed as the interim Chairman of Yukos Oil after the Putin appointed  Chair mysteriously died when his brand new helicopter dove into the sea just before making it to England’s shores.


From there a Canadian link became clear.


Lets go even further back to 1994, when I first advised the RCMP in Canada about the role of Peter Michael Bond in Isle of Man entities whereas in excess of $340 million US, was diverted to various entities controlled, formed or otherwise curated by Bond.


Initially we decided to file a formal complaint with the RCMP’s Division E in Vancouver when it came to our attention that the Directors and shareholders’ attorney, entered into a business agreement with the opposition’s counsel, then the Los Angeles firm of Christensen, White Miller, Fink & Jacobs, counsel for Lee Lovett, Allied and others targeted through the petition  we had filed in British Columbia Superior Court.


What I didn’t know is that eventually our case would intersect with other legal matters such as the Airbus case in Canada, whereas former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was suspected of having received bribes in exchange for favouring Airbus industry in the purchase of airplanes by Air Canada.


Such bribes allegedly came about as real estate transactions, through at least one Isle of Man Entity called Telluride Properties Ltd., which corporation had as a secretary, Peter Michael Bond.

According to journalist Stevie Cameron, Brian Mulroney became the owner of a condo in Telluride Colorado.


Eventually, a former law partner of Brian Mulroney would be appointed to rule in the Yukos Oil matters. As Chair of a tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, in a July 2014 decision that found the Russian government had breached its international obligations under the Energy Charter Treaty by destroying Yukos Oil Company and appropriating its assets. 


The tribunal awarded $50 billion in damages to Yukos shareholders. 


That decision would be eventually overturned:


On 20 April 2016 the District Court of The Hague set aside the decisions of the PCA, ruling that it had no jurisdiction as provisional application of the ECT arbitration clause violated Russian law.[74] In February 2020, the Court of Appeal of the Hague reversed the invalidation and held that the PCA awards were valid.


Now breaking down the 9/11 attacks financing, it was in 1994 that we first advised the RCMP of money laundering schemes that involved entities that showed Peter Michael Bond as an on and off director and/or secretary.

What I couldn’t know at the time is that Russian Bank, Bank Menatep would eventually own a stake in Peter Bond’s company.


The RCMP refused to investigate the matters whereas $340 million US was stolen.


Moving forward to July of 2001, I had noticed unusual liquidations of assets of various Peter Bond related entities and again I insisted with the RCMP that they take a closer look.


In pleading my case with Sgt. Bennington, he finally gave in and decided to set up an appointment with Sgt Fozard. Chuckling for reasons I could not comprehend, Bennington set up the appointment for Tuesday the 11th of September, 2001…


In hindsight, given the fact that the RCMP was already briefed by July of 2001, on the potential attacks of 9/11, had they conducted due diligence and cross reference the information we provided, with the intelligence they had on the potential terrorist attacks, the individuals that highjacked the planes would have been identified and tracked, likely arrested.


At that given time, the 9/11 attacks would have been foiled. 


This offers us a window on terrorism activities either sponsored by or otherwise condone by Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Today, the attacks on Ukraine are a bi-product of the role Peter Michael Bond played in money laundering schemes that nurtured the ascention of Vladimir Putin, which would raise Putin as the world’s #1 terrorist.






Saturday, September 9, 2023

His Coincidence or Mine...The Fifth Estate's Gish gallop and the RCMP's election manipulation.

 This post has been updated following the development of evidence in the election interference matters to be addressed by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue. Saturday, the 9th of September, 2023.

Isaac Asimov once claimed that people are entirely too disbelieving of coincidence. They are far too ready to dismiss it and to build arcane structures of extremely rickety substance in order to avoid it. I, on the other hand, see coincidence everywhere as an inevitable consequence of the laws of probability, according to which having no unusual coincidence is far more unusual than any coincidence could possibly be.

Coincidences are not only a state of mind that individuals will surrender to when no rational explanation is immediately available , they are a convenient tool to sow doubt. 

They are the product of one’s inabilities and/or unwillingness to comprehend how certain circumstances come about.

Sort of a deniable one legged strut.

Life from a newborn's perspective, begins with a continual flow of what appears to be coincidences. Sights, sounds and these characters, how they interact with an apparent purpose of convenience. These observations fill the first moments of life of every human beings, and are the first forms of events that begin as coincidences, that every child rationalizes and accepts as reality, evidence and facts, eventually. 

As children adventure further into life, survival priorities take precedent over the degree of legitimacy we are willing to live with. Suddenly, a child will try to manipulate his mother's conclusions using coincidences as a defence. For example, although the child was alone in the kitchen, he'll imply that it is merely a coincidence that cookies are missing out of the proverbial cookie jar. Just like that, we betray our honesty for the sake of self preservation.

We turn on its head the very abilities that enabled us to appreciate and understand life. We abandon  real integrity for an alternative reality where we argue the validity of our honesty, and force others to prove us wrong...

Clamouring coincidences is often how we prevent others from discovering the facts, the truth. It becomes a way of life, a disease that if left un-checked, affirms the anecdote of one’s life.

For example, a suspect in a criminal case might suggest that a series of unrelated events, out of his or her control, would establish their innocence- often alleged in pseudo- ignorance pleas, if only for the fact that they could not reasonably foresee and avoid the  implications that led to a perceived criminal result. 

This is usually followed by a Gish gallop defence-an erratic technique in which a debater attempts to overwhelm an opponent by excessive number of arguments, without regards for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.

Disentangling such predicaments requires motivation, it requires understanding and commitment, and it can take a long time, a lifetime sometimes...

That’s where I come in and break down the circumstances that will lead any reasonable individual to question the integrity of the CBC's News Journal The Fifth Estate and, more precisely investigative reporter and producer Harvey Cashore.

Let's break it down.

Claim #1: Cashore claims at a lecture for investigative journalist students,  that he first was made aware of the Airbus/Mulroney bribery case by happenstance and in part, through discussions with former Fifth Estate reporter Jock Ferguson- whom eventually broke the story, and Stevie Cameron, a former journalist and anchor for the Fifth Estate.

Truth #1: According to journalist Lucy Komisar, a New York City relative of a CBC News executive first contacted the CBC following claims obtained through leaked statements from an investigative product produced then by Kroll Inc., a juggernaut in the private investigator industry at the times. I contacted Kroll's New York offices once it became clear that, the very journalist that Cashore claimed had sensitized him to the Airbus case, was now working for Kroll's Florida operations- an American company with a Canadian subsidiary that did consulting work for both, the Canadian Government and The RCMP. Soon after my call, Ferguson either resigned or was let go.

Claim #2: Cashore claimed that he found nothing in our files on Isle of Man entities that we provided to him and the CBC's Fifth Estate, at the suggestion of the Vancouver detachment of The RCMP.

Truth #2: According to Stevie Cameron, the research that she and Harvey Cashore did for the book they co-authored, " The Last Amigos", they were aware that Brian Mulroney owned and/or was otherwise involved in the development of condominiums in Telluride Colorado through offshore entities but, they could not link the ownership of the condo, to Isle of Man companies they researched or were otherwise aware of. Now this is surely understandable but, The RCMP was well aware of that fact through the files we had provided to them in 1995, that they returned to us for the purpose of sharing the information with the CBC's fifth Estate. The RCMP was then motivated to work with Cashore and Cameron in order to suppress such information to go public. Cashore and Cameron met in a hotel room at least once, with RCMP Inspectors to discuss the Airbus file, and that is when The CBC, Cashore and Cameron abandoned journalism and deliberately fed the Canadian public half-truths. Stevie Cameron admitted that she became a confidential informant and Harvey Cashore, by association, a co-conspirator in sharing information with the police and, omitting parts of the story willingly and presumably, at the insistence of The RCMP. My contact at The RCMP in Vancouver was well aware of the role of the named Teluride Isle of Man entity in the Airbus case, I wasn't at the time. In fact, when I began questioning the intentions of The RCMP to refuse to take on my clients' case to protect their Airbus case, that is when it was suggested that I provide the file to the CBC. Promptly The RCMP send me the files we had provided in our 1995 complaint. and I provided them to Cashore. These files are posted in part in this blog. 

The auditors of my clients' company were KPMG as evidenced in the documents provided to the CBC.

Claim #3: Stevie Cameron testified in front of the Ethics Committee that she had no conversation with anyone pertaining to the Airbus case before her testimony. 

Truth #3: Both the Chair of the committee and I, as well as a few members of the committee, had written and verbal communications at length, of my conversations with Stevie Cameron in the weeks that led to her testimony. I told Stevie Cameron that they had the wrong Schreiber, that the funds used to pay bribes to Mulroney came from dubious Isle of Man Companies with ties to terrorism financing. Cameron claimed that she would have to dust off her files on the case in her basement to find these Isle of Man documents, but she never testified to such. Stevie Cameron was eventually handed one million dollars from The RCMP and went back to work on another project that was also of particular interest to The RCMP, the case of the missing prostitutes in Vancouver. The RCMP had a vested interest in suppressing the fact that their Vancouver Heroin Squad knew for years of the disappearances of these young women, they used Stevie Cameron to suppress these facts and control the story.

Soon after Harvey Cashore published a book on the matters entitled, "The Truth Shows Up".

In 2021, Harvey Cashore again is producing reports about KPMG schemes to launder money. Again, the Cashore reports are misleading, grossly inaccurate but flattering to The RCMP.

Soon to follow was a half baked exposé about schools built or not built by the WE Charity in Africa. A crafted report designed to attack the charity, that failed to explore both sides of the issue. 

As a Commission of inquiry has begun in the election interference matters, Cashore, The Fifth Estate and to a certain extent The RCMP, have remained  coincidentally silent. 
The damage to the Trudeau government was already done, the WE story had already manipulated public opinion and The RCMP was once again in control of who gets elected in Canada.

At least one law firm with ties to The RCMP had caused for a Chinese client to compromise Trudeau by designing a scheme whereas financial donations to The Trudeau Foundation could and would later be used against the Prime Minister.  

Now ask yourselves, should you believe what The RCMP, The Fifth Estate and Harvey Cashore are investigating, or is Harvey Cashore producing reports to conceal election interference and mitigate the liabilities The RCMP might incur?