A perfect weapon of opportunity
Before you begin reading this post, you must understand that what is memorialized below, is a dangerous threat to humanity
Trump trumped by Musk's musks:
The Trump/Musk partnership seeks to delete any information, held by the NIH, as well as other agencies such as the DOJ and the CIA, that could lead to expose their role in the weaponization of the Coronavirus, as well as Donald Trump's intent to prolong the Covid-19 pandemic during his first term as President.
Now, Let's Rock n'Roll:
Nitro-Musks acts as a trigger of the Coronavirus and its various mutations:
What you won't find anywhere on Google, is if the Coronavirus can be enhanced, triggered or otherwise activated by compounds such as Nitro-Musks.
But you can find this: The evidence suggests that while nitro musks by themselves are not genotoxic, they may increase the genotoxicity of other chemicals.
By definition:
Substances that are genotoxic may bind directly to DNA or act indirectly leading to DNA damage by affecting enzymes involved in DNA replication, thereby causing mutations which may or may not lead to cancer or birth defects (inheritable damage).
You can read here about Genotoxicity on the NIH's website.
It certainly would be simple enough to identify them as they remain in the environment for a very long time.
What are Nitro-Musks:They are fragrance compounds (synthetic fragrances or natural essential oils) comprise formulations of specific combinations of individual materials or mixtures. Natural or synthetic scents are core constituents of personal care and household products (PCHPs) that impart attractiveness to the olfactory perception and disguise the unpleasant odor of the formula components of PCHPs. Fragrance chemicals have beneficial properties that allow their use in aromatherapy. However, because fragrances and formula constituents of PCHPs are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), vulnerable populations are exposed daily to variable indoor concentrations of these chemicals. Fragrance molecules may trigger various acute and chronic pathological conditions because of repetitive human exposure to indoor environments at home and workplaces. The negative impact of fragrance chemicals on human health includes cutaneous, respiratory, and systemic effects (e.g., headaches, asthma attacks, breathing difficulties, cardiovascular and neurological problems) and distress in workplaces. Pathologies related to synthetic perfumes are associated with allergic reactions (e.g., cutaneous and pulmonary hypersensitivity) and potentially with the perturbation of the endocrine-immune-neural axis. The present review aims to critically call attention to odorant VOCs, particularly synthetic fragrances and associated formula components of PCHPs, potentially impacting indoor air quality and negatively affecting human health.
The Timeline: Elon Musk wealth accumulation synced with the Coronavirus emergence and mutations.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was a respiratory illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-1. It caused an outbreak of severe illness in several countries between 2002 and 2003.
Musk earned upward of $175 million when PayPal was sold to eBay in 2002.
Musk founded SpaceX, a spaceflight services company, in 2002.
In 2004, Musk was an early investor in electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla and became its chairman and later CEO.
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), which causes MERS, is found in Saudi Arabia. It has caused about 2,500 cases and 800 deaths. Many researchers continue to study and develop vaccines for MERS-CoV.
Elon Musk was first listed on the Forbes Billionaires List in 2012, with a net worth of $2 billion a net increase of 1.8 billion from the time he sold PayPal and invested in Space X and Tesla.
In 2019 Covid-19 surfaced and Elon Musk's wealth increased from around $24 billion to around $220 billion due in part to a 2008 agreement on the issuance of stock options in Tesla.
Musk's net worth surged after the 2024 United States presidential election, and in December 2024, he became the first person to have a net worth of more than $400 billion.
Since June 2010 Tesla's market cap increased by 51,309.39%. That is a compound annual growth rate of 53.19%.
While Tesla growth has increased by 51,309%, Musk's fortune grew by 217,142%.
Elon Musk is the largest individual Tesla shareholder, owning 411.41M shares representing 12.79% of the company
At today's average price his shares in Tesla are worth just under $150 billion
According to Barron's, Musk's option package was worth 50 billion in June of 2024. In 2018 when Musk entered into his stock options deal, the price of Tesla was just south of $20 per share.Needless to say that when the pandemic hit the stock went to $180 a share to today, just north of $350 per share.
Why is Elon Musk considered a genius.
While the idea of electric cars is nothing new- in the early 1900's there were pools of cars designed on the same engineering.
It didn't work back then and it doesn't work now. In fact Tesla is slowly moving away from electric vehicles to more efficient Hydrogen engines.
Francois Isaac de Rivaz designed in 1806 the De Rivaz engine, the first internal combustion engine, which ran on a hydrogen/oxygen mixture.
As you can see, just like the electric car, hydrogen engines aren't exactly new technology...
Such change in direction is bound to annihilate the EV structure of charging stations, that has yet to reach its peak.
Which brings us to the birth of a con and the death of the genius myth.
After all this, it is necessary to analyze what Elon Musk has been doing to reach the status of richest man in the world, in such record time.
When considering all aspects of his life, being autistic being a big part of it, Elon Musk has always been a victim. From an abusing father, to a mother hell bent on supporting White supremacy. Elon Musk lived his childhood believing that his father was the re-incarnation of the devil, leading him to favour his mother as the lesser fo two evils.
But it didn't end when he finally left home. The nightmare re-emerged when it was later found that his father had impregnated Elon's step sister, twice...
Realizing that his nephew is also his step brother, Elon Musk is stuck in this never ending nightmare
As if this wasn't enough, one of his children became a trans gender individual, whom in turn, he tormented to this day.
No wonder he wants to leave earth for Mars.
Scientists have already debunked Musk's terraforming theory of Mars by asking a simple question, if you can fix Mars why can't you fix earth?
That question sheds an unwelcoming light on Elon Musk's story of Mars and supposedly why he thinks earth will be inhabitable.
More to the point, how do you escape such a opportunistic crime?
Making money, a lot of money any which way, just might be his and his children's ticket away from this planet and his guilt.
Until then, he needs to make sure that anything he did, cannot be traced back to him. By financing the Trump campaign and literally buying votes-at best, he was able to own the Trump Presidency, and have access to all sorts of data that he can destroy at will, while making outrageous claims of fraud, in essence, mis-directing the attention away from his intentions.
When burning hair backfires.
Elon Musk tipped his hand when he tried to throw shade over his weaponization of Covid through fragrances in perfumes.
Through his Boring company- as in tunnelling or digging underground, he released a perfume- yes through a construction company no less, called Burnt Hair.
It is widely held that by releasing such a perfume, he could claim deniability alleging that the product was tampered with, thus giving him cover against any allegations of genocide.
The release however was an after thought that demonstrated his urgent need to allegedly try to cover-up his misdeeds. Not surprisingly, it smelled like bull shit.
The goal was to create an environment that led everyone to believe that they had to leave the planet, that Musk could be the super hero he always dreamt to be.
Sounds like Moses leading the jews all over but with an inter-planetary spin.