Monday, June 12, 2023

Opening Statement of Daniel Deilgat.









Dear Chair, Members of this Committee/ Inquiry, Canadians.


I am here today to testify about my research for the last 30 years.


I have catalogued circumstances and events on the record with various Prime Ministers, the RCMP, through court applications and multiple interaction with journalists, throughout the years.


These circumstances began with an early warning to the RCMP which would end up as the tragic attacks of the 9th of September 2001.


In time, my research product was utilized in an American Senate investigation. 

My files contributed evidence that the financing of the individuals that piloted those planes, on that day, were financed through the very entities I had documented, and provided to the RCMP in 1994-95.


The 9/11 Commission subsequently corroborated the payments after I suggested the Dr. Henry Kissinger resign as Co-Chair.


I created a list on individuals involved and found that one Engelbert Schreiber Sr., had handled part of the funds paid to the terrorists.

Then I found out that the same Schreiber, was actually the individual that had handled the funds earmarked for Brian Mulroney, in the Airbus case.


News magazines such as the CBC’s Fifth Estate, ignored my observation of the fact that they had the wrong Schreiber in their reports on the Airbus case.


I suspected that due to ongoing litigation, the CBC did not want to admit guilt.


The memorialization of events however did not stop there.


The research demonstrated that the Russian scandal that was Yukos Oil also touched on the list of entities we had provided to the RCMP, the American Senate and others.


That Brian Mulroney, through his partner Yves Fortier, managed to infiltrate themselves in the arbitration process of the Yukos Oil case, whereas shareholders claimed losses of in excess of 50 billion dollars US.


As a result of litigation back and forth, Vladimir Putin became isolated and I suspect, directed his frustration into what we now know as the Russian war on Ukraine.

And we now have to live with the threat of nuclear revenge.


Extraordinary claims must be substantiated with extraordinary evidence and as such, officials records of the Prime Minister’s Office as well as the RCMP have my letters for the last 28 years on the subject, as my investigation progressed.


The claims have evolved as time went on, but never deviated from the heart of the issues.


Hundreds of individuals have followed my journey, into the dark depths of the geopolitical organized crime, that is the intelligence community.

Lawyers, American Senators such as the late Carl Levine, journalists such as Timothe O’Brien of the New York Times and another from the Wall Street Journal, Mark Robichaux, journalist in Canada such as Stevie Cameron and Harvey Cashore as well as a complaint to the CBC Ombudsman.


The list is too long but I must include all members of Parliament through the years 2007 to 2009.


Someone even noticed The Hon. Allan Rock on a Saturday morning eyeing me as if he saw a ghost.


Needless to say that the record is undeniable, and that the allegations stood the test of time.


Yet here I am, again.


Finding myself in the position to testify as to activities that I uncovered over the years, is not an enviable situation.


What started out as circumstances that I should have stayed clear of, turned into catastrophes that no individual would be qualified to handle, let alone by themselves.


The personal attacks came furiously, my competences logically disputed, and repackaged into some sort of self-serving derogatory allegations against me, depending on whom was the target of my research.


Yet, here I am before your committee to testify about the failures of law enforcement and intelligence agencies through matters of substantial criminal frauds that developed into almost apocalyptic tragedies.


I am not here to lecture the current school of politicians of this 44th Parliament, nor do I intend to unjustly be critical of current law enforcement and intelligence leaders, for the sake of gaining notoriety.


My motivation solely rests on what I said in the past, on the record, with various political and law enforcement administrations, here in Canada and in the United States.


I did not predict terrorism attacks, I simply pointed out that unusual and extraordinary liquidation of assets were taken place weeks before the 9/11 attacks.

Law enforcement here in Canada ridiculed my concerns and privately associated what I said, with what they thought was an unsubstantiated conspiracy, whereas planes were to be flown into buildings on Tuesday the 11th of September 2001.


Sgt Bennington of the financial crime division in British Columbia nicknamed me Legend.


It seems that in fact law enforcement and intelligence agencies in North America had credible and actionable intelligence that was taken in vein. 

In fact, here in Canada at Division “E” of the RCMP in Vancouver, that intelligence, in the hands of individuals that were clearly incompetent in their analysis, decided to laugh about my concerns based in facts, by setting up a phone interview on September the 11th  2001, at 09:00 Am sharp.


I could never come to terms with the irony that I was the one everybody thought to be incompetent.


From the time I was asked by the Directors of Allied to report on the scope of the alleged theft of treasury, it seemed like I could not avoid extraordinary circumstances and the disbelief that ensued.


Directors of the public company were wondering where the $4 million dollars that the company had in its treasury went.

On my return from Washington DC, I reported that, according to a reputable evaluation firm that specialized in cellular systems valuations that, the company’s assets at the time of liquidation, could have been worth as much as $340 million US.

When asked where the money went, I reported that proceeds of the sale of the various systems went to Isle of Man entities.


It wasn’t long after, that a picture developed whereas we identified clear involvement by intelligence agencies agents.


I took the selfless and ill-advised decision to look into the matters further.


This led to the development of information that exposed the financing of the terrorist attacks of September 2001 as evidence by an investigation by the American Senate into Riggs Bank’s money laundering practices.

Such investigation began in the same way my interaction with this committee has  initiated, I forced the issue.


I developed a directory of individuals involved in the financing of the attacks, which led to the discovery that here in Canada, news outlets and law enforcement had the wrong Schreiber in what is known as the Airbus case.


As I advised the then Prime Minister in writing of my findings, Stephen Harper called for the appointment of a Royal Commission/ Commission of inquiry, to investigate the circumstances that implicated former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, in suspicious illicit commissions schemes.


David Johnston was appointed to define the terms of the upcoming inquiry, his counsel Mrs. Sheila R. Block retained as a legal advisor and a new crisis management firm took on the responsibility to protect Brian Mulroney, Navigator.


David Johnston surprisingly declared the Airbus case well-tilled grounds, as such denying the victims of 9/11and all Canadians, their right to know.


From that time on, I decided to scale back my public involvement in the matters, out of concerns that I could become inadvertently privy to classified information.


My efforts from the time that David Johnston torpedoed the Airbus case would be limited to the periphery of the matters, staying clear of any activities that could infringed on national security investigations and compromised any operations and/or investigations that might be undertaken.


Nevertheless, a lawyer associated with Mrs. Sheila Block, in time, volunteered unsolicited information that, while Mrs. Block was of Counsel to David Johnston, her firm acted on behalf of at least one intelligence agency here in Canada, the Communication and Security Establishment, “The CSE”.


This was significant because the journalist that, years before, had developed the Airbus story, was a “former” communication agent for “The CSE”.


As it turns out, Mrs. Stevie Cameron was not only a journalist with ties to the intelligence community, her husband was a Canadian diplomat and, Mrs. Cameron was classified as an RCMP confidential informant.


Mrs. Cameron lied to the ethics committee when she testified that she had no prior contact with anyone prior to her testimony. She was right however that we never discussed her upcoming testimony.


The public record would eventually acknowledge that Mrs. Cameron would later be the beneficiary of some type of research grant worth 1 million dollars, from the University of New Brunswick through a fund financed by the RCMP.


While the incestuous relationships I addressed today are a serious concern, it isn’t clear if the intelligence community manipulated the administration of justice in Canada, for the benefit of national security interests, or for the sake of staving off political or administrative embarrassment.


When Prime Minister Trudeau appointed David Johnston as Special Rapporteur in the election interference file, along with key advisors previously involved in the Airbus case, legitimate questions surfaced as to the integrity or vulnerability of the Prime Minister and his ability to make independent decisions.

Advice volunteered to the Prime Minister likely was designed to lead to the appointment of Johnston and company, without the Prime Minister’s full appreciation of the circumstances.


I believe that the answers can be found through the analysis of the actions by various intelligence agencies and their subsequent efforts at compromising politicians for the sake of covering up their short comings.


Understanding the circumstances that allowed election interference to flourish in Canada begins by appreciating the lack of oversight the intelligence community is subjected to.


The lesson I learned in the last 30 years is that very little is impossible when it comes to the abilities of the intelligence community to conceal their mistakes through questionable classifications.


Imagine a suspect dictating what evidence you can or can’t use against him/her.


David Johnston likely could have made a difference and I believe that he realizes that now.


I cannot say for certain that Vladimir Putin will use nuclear weapons out of desperation, just as I had no idea at the time I warned the RCMP, that a terrorist attack was imminent.


What is clear is that the RCMP could have cross-referenced intelligence complemented with my files and perhaps pre-empt the attacks through international collaboration.


Unlike today where we have a chance to curtail Russian efforts in Ukraine.


I have not looked into which law firm acted for which Chinese entities that might have made donations to the Trudeau foundation, but I wouldn’t be surprise that David Johnston found out, which is likely when he realized that he had been manipulated and resigned.


We are in unchartered territory when a sitting Prime Minister is likely to be a witness through his realization that he was duped.



Daniel M. Deilgat.

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