Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Is Donald J. Trump trying to get Impeached.

 Over the past month or so I have scanned social sites. In particular X and BlueSky.

I also did something I hadn't done in more than 8 years, I started looking at what Fox News was reporting.

As I am deciding the right course of action to take, in order to address issues of terrorism and bio-terrorism, and how it affects geopolitical developments, I must consider first just how stupid Donald Trump is.

From Donald Trump's chief of staff to his wife, and everyone in between, there is consensus that he can't keep going like that, without putting them all in harms way, or at least there reputation and their ability to earn a living, after he is no longer President.

But Trump has a problem, his popularity is growing, dissenters amongst his supporters is shrinking.

First you might ask why then did he run again for the Presidency?

The answer is simple, every high net worth individuals are vulnerable to coercion.

It is not more complicated than that.

Donald Trump is caught in a web of idealists, that are hell bent on changing the world at any costs. From Arian brotherhoods to idealists that believe, like the Mayans, that the world should be in a war every eight years, to extremist christians that are threatened by competing delusional theologies.

There is a wealth of supporters in the Trump camp that convinced him that he needs to run again. 

You just can't waste that kind of electoral capital...

After he won the election, the pressure was on to act swiftly and acquire maximum leverage on all aspects of government, before, well, he gets impeached.

At his age Donald Trump has nothing to look forward to, that will benefit him, or for that matter, that he can appreciate. Moreover running the country into the ground, only makes sense if he makes money, and he can pass of natural causes before lawsuits catch up with him.

So we have to ask ourselves, does he really want to take the world down with him, or does he want to protect his children from the chains that bind him.

No one is stupid enough to do what he is doing, and expect that he will survive the mid-terms elections. So the question is why?

From our files, following the history of financial transactions and the relationships of thousands of individuals, we believe that Donald Trump likely was compromised by foreign actors, and that such are now a threat to the national Security of the United States.

But go and try to explain that to someone who can't bring themselves to call their sister "Mom".

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