Friday, March 7, 2025

The Killing of 7 million people: Mine To Elon Musk

                                       FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Mr. Elon Musk.

You might or might not familiar with my public claims yet, so let me memorialize them herein.

I am a financial crimes analyst whom, in part, has done research on the financial dynamics related to Covid-19 and, in a wider research, the weaponization of the Coronavirus.

My involvements over the years included, but are not limited to, a 340 million dollars theft of treasury in the cellular business, the involvement of agencies such as the CIA in such theft, the provenance of the funding for the terrorists that attacked America in 2001, the role of the same financial schemes in circumstances that involved the distribution of bribes to western political leaders, through entities controlled or otherwise manipulated by the Kremlin and the dynamics between the Covid-19 surge and financial interests that benefitted only because of the pandemic. Without forgetting the theft of in excess of 50 billion dollars by an online poker site by the name of PokerStars.

In the summer of 2020, our investigations on various fronts, targeted monetary coincidences between the developments of the Covid-19 pandemic and financial opportunities by various entities and individuals.
The Coronavirus has allegedly been around for the better part of 20,000 years, thus like electric cars, its nothing new.

We delved into Effective altruism (EA): Which is a 21st-century philosophical and social movement that advocates impartially calculating benefits and prioritizing causes to provide the greatest good. It is motivated by "using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible, and taking action on that basis".
Popular cause priorities within effective altruism include but is not limited to the risks to the survival of humanity over the long-term future

We concluded that you are a proponent of Effective altruism, and in turn you have developed motivations and intents to traumatize the world population, in order to advance your goals of populating other planets.

You allegedly did so by causing for and/or indirectly supporting and/or developing synthetic biological agents to weaponize the Coronavirus.

To better understand here, weaponizing any kind of virus is nothing new, in fact the earliest documented incident of the intention to use biological weapons is possibly recorded in Hittite texts of 1500–1200 BC, in which victims of tularemia were driven into enemy lands, causing an epidemic.

As such we determined that, through your family, as a child, you were made privy to strategies that involved the use of biological weapons. Such was implied by the affiliations of your grand-father with the Sicherheitsdienst, the intelligence agency of the SS and the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany, and his knowledge of efforts by Coco Chanel, to weaponize her perfume- Chanel No.5, as an agent of German intelligence.

Yourself  developed a perfume that sold in limited quantities, a fragrance you called, Burnt Hair. I will spare you the description of the various agents used to enhance the binding of other agents that, as a result, weaponized the Coronavirus.

Looking into companies that specialize in biotechnologies that are funded by your long time partner and PayPal Mafia acolyte, through The Founders Fund, we determined that you had indirect access to synthetic biological agents used in the weaponization of the Coronavirus.

Long ago, I advised the NIH of our concerns, and I was assured that the CIA as well as the Justice Department were involved in receiving the concerns. However given the state of political polarization, these agencies and others, have been compromised through your affiliation with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

In the past I had advised of money movements that should have prevented the 9/11 attacks. A Senate committee investigated and, found in part, that my allegations were well founded, but of a sensitive nature that preclude the public release of the totality of the findings.

There are individuals that I have been collaborating with since 1990 at various levels of the Justice Department, intelligence agencies- civilian and military, in the United States, Canada and elsewhere.

I have interviewed KGB officers as early as 2005, arms dealers since 1991, terrorism financiers since 2001 and others who have a key role in illegitimate financial dealings.

Dr. Kissinger recused himself as Co-Chair of the 9/11 Commission when I suggested that he was in a non-arms length position vis-a-vis his relationship with Russian entities controlled or otherwise influenced by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and his role as Co-Chair of the 9/11 Commission..

Then CIA Director George Tenet did the same after I reached out to him.

Richard Clark- then National Security advisor to George W. Bush was aware of our investigative product and, has apologized to the American people for what he described as his failures in preventing the attacks, through his testimony in front of the 9/11 Commission.

In Canada while on an official visit, Condoleezza Rice was  apprised of our findings and was suddenly inclined to resign her position in the Bush cabinet.

In short, while I respect the boundaries of national security, I believe that you and Donald Trump are a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America, based on my expertise that spans the better part of 30 years.

Therefore the reason of this missive.

Your project to “occupy Mars” has been fuelled by the direction your parents have guided you to follow. Taking the name Elon from a scientific fictional story where the people of Earth flew in a rocket to Mars to live there, where the leader was named "The Elon".
That book was written by a rocket designer for Hitler’s army, and your father acknowledges that he was aware of the book and the name when your parents named you at birth.

Throughout your life, you have been obsessed with traveling to Mars. Your business ventures were mired with false representations to investors in order to inflate the value of their investments and in fact, on at least two occasions you were either passed as a nominee to be Chairman of your own companies or removed as you representations would harm the viablity of the companies you promoted.

At best your exaggeration made you the richest man in the world, which in of itself, is an extraordinary feat.

You developed a back door in a banking app that when discovered, you concealed by shuttering the company and focused solely on PayPal. We suspect that such back door can be used in apps and algorithms such as Palantir’s products supplied in part, to various intelligence agencies.

Palantir was founded by your partner in the PayPal project Peter Thiel, the current CEO of Palantir Technologies.

Again, the back door scheme is not new as it had been implemented before in other law enforcement systems throughout North America.

In a preliminary conclusion we believe that you weaponized  and/or facilitated the weaponization of various biological agents to, in part, advance your Mars project, perhaps to scare people and Governments into subsidizing your project.

That in order to accomplish such a feat, you had to disable various agencies of government to cancel any investigations in your various business dealing, more precisely to eliminate evidence whereas it might be alleged that you, and/or your associates, might be held liable in he murder of in excess of 7 million people around the world, through the deployment of a biological weapon.

That such actions were the product of data and information, classified as Secret or higher, that you were made privy to through, in part, your relationship with Palantir Technologies.

It is implied that because of your exposure as a young child to extremist ideology, like the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, you have developed a belief that the world needs to be controlled by one man.

You dug deep into history to find an interpretation of what a doge is.

The word Doge derives from the Latin Dux, meaning "leader," and Venetian Italian for “duke”, being the highest official of the republic of Venice for over 1,000 years. 
Originally referring to any military leader, becoming in the Late Roman Empire the title for a leader of an expeditionary force formed by detachments.
Doges were elected for life through a complex voting process.

Through the Musk DOGE, you have developed and implemented a simple but rather efficient means of mis-direction whereas the outrage produced by your actions through DOGE, took the spotlight away from your true intent and goals.

As such it is suspected that you are a threat to the National Security of The United States of America, a threat to the safety and security of everyone around the world that rely on oxygen, and that you are part of a criminal enterprise that relies on falsehoods to rob everyone in America of their right to develop opinions based on facts, in order to advance your interpretation of Effective altruism.

Like my favourite Astro Physicist said a few years ago, if you can Terraform Mars, why can’t you fix Earth.

That answer lies in your commitment to hide your criminal behaviour, otherwise you would fix climate issues here on earth.

After all what good would it be to fix Earth if you end up incarcerated for the rest of your life...

Try Terraforming that.

Daniel M. Deilgat.

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